The FONCIMED Network comes from Mediterranean researchers and practitioners working on the land issue or confronted with this issue in the context of their activities. Without any particular institutionalization, it is jointly coordinated by researchers from INRAE-ACT (SAD).
The FONCIMED Network is made up of participants with different disciplines and professional positions. It is a place that allows this diversity to be scientifically valorized, without constraints or a priori limits.
The Network has adopted a theoretical and methodological framework in order to promote exchanges, syntheses and promotion of the work carried out within it.
In the theoretical framework, it focuses its researches on land governance and the uses of natural resources at diversified scales of analysis: the study of land and water uses, as well as the institutional framework of these uses, and the resulting changes in natural resources (taken in the broad sense).
Around this object, it brings together different disciplines and opts for an anthropo-centered approach evaluating the devices with regard to the services provided to society and the conditions of their compatibility with the private or social practices and interests at stake. The framework of reference takes into account the uses or non-uses of soil and water with a view to identifying the resulting ecosystem services.
In the methodological framework, participation in the FONCIMED Network commits researchers to carrying out work with a methodology allowing interdisciplinary exchange, as well as comparative analyzes between sites, regions or Mediterranean countries.
Three main objectives are particularly pursued by the FONCIMED Network
To be a place for exchanging knowledge on the subjects of land governance and uses of natural resources.
To be a way of contextualizing the disciplinary approaches or results of the members of the Network.
To be a place to monitor emerging social or institutional evolutions in the territories and influence their dynamics in the medium term.
Additional benefits of the FONCIMED Network
Possibility of more generic theoretical work in order to facilitate publications.
Annual meetings between network members intended to discuss the progress of the work of the past year and organize next conference.
Welcoming interns, young researchers or post-doctoral researchers. Within the limits of available credits and material resources, members of the network provide interns, young researchers or post-doctoral students working on the field of land governance and the use of natural resources. Accommodation in their home institution.
FONCIMED brings together researchers and practitioners
From countries around the Mediterranean
From very diverse institutions
- INRAE (France)
University of Avignon (France)
- Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (IAMM) (France)
- International Hellenic University (IHU), (Greece)
- University of Panteion (Greece)
- Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITRA (Greece)
- Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania)
- Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)
- University of Bologna (Italy)
- University of Evora (Portugal)
- University of Cagliari (Italy)
- University Moulay Ismail (Morocco)
- University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
- International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (Lebanon)
- İzmir University of Economics (Turkey)
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie (Tunisie)
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)