As part of its annual international seminar in 2018 held at the Moulay Ismaïl University of MEKNES in Morocco (8-10 November 2018), the Foncimed Research Network proposed to focus on the issue of the regulation of land resources, considered from a multidisciplinary perspective both in its legal and social dimensions. space and economic issues.

Subject: “The allocation of land resources in Mediterranean areas: uses of law and forms of regulation”

Land management in rural and peri-urban areas echoes a set of public policy priorities: maintaining agricultural employment, food sovereignty, housing production, protection of sensitive areas and biodiversity. In the Mediterranean areas, these various public problems on the agenda of the “land question” are however marked by specificities: anthropogenic pressure concentrated on coastal fringes, fragmented structure of farms and persistence of a high rate of agricultural employment. Finally, conflicts over the use of coastal and mountain areas are exacerbated by the confrontation of potentially divergent economic interests (tourist development, tourist reception infrastructures in flat areas, access to housing for local populations, preservation of the agricultural land). These tensions over land use are also part of a political and economic context weakened by regional tensions (impacts of international conflicts, migration and economic crises, democratic demands in transition situations).

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